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Two homes separated by one ocean

How many people share the sentiment that there are two places to call home? Two very important places where you find yourself happy you're there yet so far apart and so different one from the other. How many times we are caught referring of HOME yet we talk about two distinct places which are clearly located o n different sides of the planet ? PARIS & HOME 2 On the plane back home to Paris, I thought about that place where I am building a life and where someone who loves me dearly awaits for me. This other home is Paris. Yet, the last two weeks I spent home in the Caribbean where I go to feel whole and re vitalize , the trip already seemed so far. The balance I've created to manage two sets of lives always seems to be in danger when I return to my C aribbean home.  THE GOOD & BAD My voyage came and went like a wave which disappeared into the ocean, quickly, sweeping with it all my emotions of peace of being somewhere where the daily topic was not about refugees, terr

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